
A fan’s efforts to com­pile all the places in Berlin that David Bowie vis­it­ed, aimed at guid­ing any­one inter­est­ed in the time when David Bowie called Berlin home and for those look­ing to explore the city in his foot­steps.

Whether or not places are includ­ed depends on the sources in which they’re men­tioned. If there are direct quotes from Bowie or his com­pan­ions ref­er­enc­ing a loca­tion, I will include these into their respec­tive pages. Some of the fea­tured loca­tions are derived from the var­i­ous Bowie biogra­phies and have yet to be linked to spe­cif­ic quotes, so if you hap­pen to know of a quote or a place that should be includ­ed, feel free to shoot me a mes­sage through the con­tact form.

Thanks for drop­ping by!