
The Deutsch­land­halle in 1936
© Bun­de­sarchiv, B 145 Bild-P018933 via Wiki­me­dia Com­mons / CC-BY-SA 3.0

The Deutsch­land­halle (‘Ger­many Hall’) was a mul­ti-pur­pose are­na and con­ven­tion cen­ter, pri­mar­i­ly used for con­certs, sports events and exhi­bi­tions. It was demol­ished in 2011.

Chris­tine F., best known for her 1978 auto­bi­o­graph­i­cal book titled “Chris­tiane F.” (orig­i­nal title: “Wir Kinder vom Bahn­hof Zoo”), recount­ed her intro­duc­tion to the music of David Bowie dur­ing her atten­dance at a 1976 con­cert held at Deutsch­land­halle. This con­cert was lat­er recre­at­ed with Bowie for the 1981 film based on her book, to which he also con­tributed the sound­track.

In the [Deutsch­land­halle], where the con­cert took place, the atmos­phere was awe­some. Every­one there seemed real­ly cool—of course, since they were all Bowie fans. Next to us, there were some Amer­i­can sol­diers who were smok­ing a pipe. And we only had to look their way for them to pass it on over to us. Every­one seemed ecsta­t­ic and high (either in antic­i­pa­tion or on drugs). The over­all atmos­phere was amaz­ing: It was like falling into an alternate—and better—universe. […] When David Bowie came on, he was almost as great as I’d imag­ined. It blew my mind.

– Chris­tiane F., Zoo Sta­tion: The Sto­ry of Chris­tiane F., 1978/2013

The venue also served as a stage for Bowie’s ground­break­ing “Iso­lar II” tour in 1978. This tour rede­fined the live music expe­ri­ence, blend­ing music, visu­al art, and the­ater into one mes­mer­iz­ing spec­ta­cle.

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