Lützower Lampe

The for­mer loca­tion of the Lüt­zow­er Lampe in 2019, with the orig­i­nal sig­nage still vis­i­ble.
© Julian Mark

The Lüt­zow­er Lampe (‘Lüt­zow Lamp’) was a small cabaret in Char­lot­ten­burg.

It served as a film­ing loca­tion in the movie “Just a Gigo­lo” with David Bowie, Sydne Rome, and Maria Schell. Addi­tion­al­ly, this venue holds sig­nif­i­cance as the site where David Bowie com­mem­o­rat­ed his 31st birth­day in the com­pa­ny of notable fig­ures such as Bri­an Eno and Iggy Pop.

Oh, that was the Lüt­zow­er Lampe, a place where I hung out a lot when I lived in Berlin. It was a small cabaret bar with good beer and ten wood­en tables. The bar­man and the bounc­er and the guy on stage were all the same per­son. There are some good mem­o­ries in the song Ger­man Days. When I lis­ten to songs I made in Berlin, like Lust for Life or The Pas­sen­ger, a film plays in my head which reminds me of that time.

Iggy Pop, ZEIT­Magazin, 2016

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