
Großer Wannsee in 2022
© A.Savin, FAL, via Wiki­me­dia Com­mons

The Großer Wannsee (‘Greater Wannsee’), often referred to sim­ply as Wannsee, is a promi­nent lake locat­ed in the south­west­ern part of the city. Stretch­ing over 2.7 square kilo­me­ters, it is one of the largest bod­ies of water with­in Berlin’s bound­aries. The lake is a pop­u­lar des­ti­na­tion for both locals and vis­i­tors, offer­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties for swim­ming, boat­ing, and pic­nick­ing in its pic­turesque sur­round­ings.

It was an irre­place­able, unmiss­able expe­ri­ence and prob­a­bly the hap­pi­est time in my life up until that point. Coco, Jim and I had so many great times. But I just can’t express the feel­ing of free­dom I felt there. […] We’d take long all after­noon lunch­es at the Wannsee on win­ter days. The place had a glass roof and was sur­round­ed by trees and still exud­ed an atmos­phere of the long gone Berlin of the twen­ties.

David Bowie, 1999

We went on car trips all over the city. We espe­cial­ly liked to go to Wannsee. There was a restau­rant there where we always ate poul­try liv­er and stuff like that.

David Bowie, Tagesspiegel, 2002

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